Cannacord Genuity

1206 days ago

Video: Copper Signals Inflation As Gold Remains Suppressed

Fund manager Jaime Carrasco of Canaccord Genuity looks back on 2020, the elections, and why the world needs a monetary reset. As some of us keep pointing out to bearded lefty crackpot Darren Atwater, Jaime notes that Darren’s beloved Canada is making many stupid decisions around energy and the economy. Globally, the consequences are becoming evident from all the money printing. Darren, be warned, this will end in tears for you and the cats. 


3103 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5 November - sticking it to the bastards at Canaccord

On Guy Fawkes night I reflect on the horrors of this day. Then news from ECR Minerals (ECR) and W Resources (WRES) prompts me to look at the mining sector in general. Then it is onto Amec Foster Wheeler (AMFW) and my thoughts on oil, oil shares, the oil price and oil services companies. Then to the dismal numbers from Canaccord Genuity (CF.) - what it says about the whole sector but also its company specific issues. Finally I take a swipe at Range Resurces (RRL)
